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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Hong Kong #8: Real Estate. Hong Kong Marathon. Gourami. +Poem

Location: Hong Kong
Gourami's Fall/Winter Collection
Hong Kong Real estate.

Have I ever told you my interests in architectures, designs, and real estate? Well, that's one of the reasons I took the opportunity to work with Coldwell Banker, the number one real estate company in the United States, when the opportunity was presented a couple years ago. I enjoy looking at properties and planning possible development opportunities. This week I had the chance to take a closer look at some real estates in Hong Kong as well as how realtors show apartments to their clients.

Comparing to San Francisco Real Estate:

  • There are not open houses during Sundays.
  • Most properties' owners are present during the showing happens.
  • Realtors make appointments for showing.
  • Not all realtors have their own transportation.

Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon.

I've finally signed up for the Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon on February 16th, 2014. I've been looking forward to this event ever since the idea of studying abroad in Hong Kong came up to my mind. It wasn't an easy decision whether I should do only the half marathon or the full marathon; however, after getting different points of views from different runner friends, I decided to go for 26.2 miles [ 42 kilometers ]. Yay!

Although training and getting the necessary mileage in Hong Kong will not be an easy task, I'm very excited because this will be my 4th full marathon!

Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon 2014

I've also started training Long Slow Distance [ LSD ] runs again as well as cooking and eating cleaner and healthier.

First LSD - 8 Miles


There are so many things that are of my interest, and one of them is definitely clothing. It's fun looking and of course shopping for clothing because there's never enough in our closet ;). This week I got an invitation from a friend to check out the new 
Gourami's Fall/Winter collection and I gotta say that it was exciting to have first-hand experience about the clothing before it goes on the market. Gourami is a brand that has been in the Hong Kong market for almost a year and is trying to catch young adults' attention with some outstanding designs and colors. Above is one of the jackets I liked. Great work Gourami!

Some other things that happened during the past week were catching up with some friends, trying out in the 100m relay team, watching a rugby game [ British traditions in Hong Kong :) ], and planning some new events and trips. I'm excited for these to come!

Some people wonder if I ever study or attend to classes, and yes, I do. In fact, I had a midterm this past week and will have another one this week :)

+ Poem.

"Muere lentamente
quien se transforma
en esclavo del hábito,
todos los días
los mismos trayectos.

Quien no cambia de marca,
no arriesga vestir
un color nuevo
y no le habla
a quien no conoce

Muere lentamente
quien hace
de la televisión su gurú.

Muere lentamente
quien evita una pasión,
quien prefiere
el negro sobre blanco
y los puntos sobre las “íes”
a un remolino de emociones,
justamente las que rescatan
el brillo de los ojos,
sonrisas de los bostezos,
corazones a los tropiezos
y sentimientos.

Muere lentamente
quien no voltea la mesa
cuando está infeliz
en el trabajo,
quien no arriesga
lo cierto por lo incierto
para ir detrás de un sueño,
quien no se permite
por lo menos una vez en la vida,
huir de los consejos sensatos.

Muere lentamente
quién deja escapar un posible amor,
con tal de no hacer el esfuerzo
de hacer que éste crezca.
Muere lentamente
quien no viaja,
quien no lee,
quien no oye música,
quien no encuentra
gracia en si mismo.

Muere lentamente
quien destruye su amor propio,
quien no se deja ayudar.

Muere lentamente,
quien pasa los días quejándose
de su mala suerte
o de la lluvia incesante.

Muere lentamente,
quien abandonando
un proyecto
antes de empezarlo,
el que no pregunta
acerca de un asunto
que desconoce
o no responde
cuando le indagan
sobre algo que sabe.

Evitemos la muerte
en suaves cuotas,
recordando siempre
que estar vivo
exige un esfuerzo
mucho mayor
que el simple hecho
de respirar.

la ardiente paciencia
hará que conquistemos
una espléndida felicidad."

Pablo Neruda

Happy Birthday Mama To!

New York Times: Hong Kong Public Transportation

Until next time!

Adeu :)


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