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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

San Francisco State – Final Semester

One week of break (not really) and university life has begun, again. As I approach this semester, my last semester at San Francisco State as a college student, I've come to realize how much I've personally grown throughout college and how each one of my goals set years ago have been seen accomplished little by little.

During my last semester in college, I hope to enjoy it as much or even more than my past semester (who wouldn't?). This semester will be special. Yes, in part because I'm getting more involved in the campus' life; more specifically, in helping and promoting study abroad as well as different clubs and societies at SF State.

Anyways, I know this will be a great semester since my courses began today and I'm already into my first class, Seminar in the Environment of Business. It seems highly interesting although it's challenging in terms of workload and writing. But, was I expecting something different? Of course not. I'm totally excited and looking forward for an incredible and challenging last semester as a student in San Francisco State.

Good luck to everybody out there during the next sixteen weeks. Enjoy it while you can!

Until next time!

Adeu :)


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